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    Colorado Crimes and Offenses Related to Limited Gaming

    The Colorado Crime of Violation of taxation provisions  18-20-103 (1) (b)

    Failure to pay tax due under the Colorado Limited Gaming Act within 30 days after the return is due is a class 1 misdemeanor. 18-20-103 (1) (b)

    Failure to file a return required by the Colorado Limited Gaming Act within 30 days after the return is due is a class 1 misdemeanor. 18-20-103 (1) (c)

    Filing a fraudulent return in an attempt to evade taxes imposed pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act is a class 5 felony 18-20-103 (1) (a)

    A second or subsequent offense of failure to pay tax or file a return pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act within a 12-month period is a class 5 felony. 18-20-103 (1) (d)

    Any person who willfully aids or assists in, or procures, counsels, or advises the preparation or presentation of a return, affidavit, claim, or other document which is fraudulent or false pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act commits a class 5 felony. 18-20-103 (1) (e)

    The Colorado Crime of False statement on application 18-20-104

    Any person who knowingly makes a false statement in any application for a license or who provides false or misleading information or who fails to keep books and records to substantiate receipts or expenses or who falsifies any books or records related to any transaction connected with limited card games or slot machines or who knowingly violates any of the provisions of or rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act commits a class 5 felony. 18-20-104

    The Colorado Crimes Related to Slot machines  18-20-105 (1)

    Any violation of the provisions of law concerning the requirements for shipping notices of slot machines commits a class 5 felony. 18-20-105 (1)

    The Colorado Crime of Cheating at Gaming  18-20-106 (3)

    Cheating at any limited gaming activity is a class 1misdemeanor if the offender is neither a licensee nor a repeat gambling offender. 18-20-106 (3)

    Cheating at any limited gaming activity when the offender has been issued a license pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act is a class 6 felony. 18-20-106 (3)

    Cheating at any limited gaming activity when the offender has been issued a license pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act and is a repeat gambling offender is a class 5 felony.18-20-106 (3)

    The Colorado Crime of Fraudulent acts – gaming  18-20-107 (2)

    Violating any of the provisions of section 18-20-107 regarding fraudulent acts pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act is a class 1 misdemeanor, provided that the offender is neither a licensee nor a repeat gambling offender. 18-20-107 (2)

    Violation of any of the provisions of section 18-20-107 regarding fraudulent acts pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act is a class 6 felony when the offender has been issued a license pursuant to the act. 18-20-107 (2)

    Violation of any of the provisions of section 18-20-107 regarding fraudulent acts pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act is a class 5 felony when the offender has been issued a license pursuant to the act and is a repeat gambling offender. 18-20-107 (2)

    The Colorado Crime of Use of device for calculating probabilities  18-20-108 (2)

    Any person who uses or possesses with the intent to use a device intended to project the outcome of a game, keep track of cards played, analyze the probability of the occurrence of an event in the game, or analyze the strategy for playing a game pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act commits a class 1 misdemeanor, provided that the offender is neither a licensee nor a repeat gambling offender. 18-20-108 (2)

    Any person who uses or possesses a device intended to project the outcome of a game, keep track of cards played, analyze the probability of the occurrence of an event in the game or analyze the strategy for playing a game pursuant to the C lorado Limited Gaming Act commits a class 6 felony when the offender has been issued a license pursuant to the act. 18-20-108 (2)

    Any person who uses or possesses a device intended to project the outcome of a game, keep track of cards played, analyze the probability of the occurrence of an event in the game or analyze the strategy for playing a game pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act commits a class 5 felony when the offender has been issued a license pursuant to the act and is a repeat gambling offender. 18-20-108 (2)

    The Colorado Crime of Counterfeit or unapproved chips or tokens – unlawful coins or devices.

    Violation of any of the provisions of section 18-20-109 regarding the use of counterfeit or unapproved chips or tokens or unlawful coins or devices or the possession or unlawful devices, equipment, products or materials pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act is a class 6 felony when the offender has been issued a license pursuant to the act. 18-20-109 (8)

    Violation of any of the provisions of section 18-20-109 regarding the use of counterfeit or unapproved chips or tokens or unlawful coins or devices or the possession of unlawful devices, equipment, products or materials pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act is a class 5 felony when the  offender has been issued a license pursuant to the act and is a repeat gambling offender. 18-20-109 (8)

    The Colorado Crime of Cheating game and devices  18-20-110 (2)

    Any person who knowingly conducts or allows any cheating or thieving game or conducts any game played with cards or a mechanical device which has been marked commits a class 6 felony when the person has been issued a license pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act. 18-20-110 (2)

    Any person who knowingly conducts or allows any cheating or thieving game or conducts any game played with cards or a mechanical device which has been marked commits a class 5 felony when the person has been issued a license pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act and is a repeat gambling offender. 18-20-110 (2)

    The Colorado Crime of Unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, marking, altering, or modification of equipment and devices associated with limited gaming.

    Any person who violates any of the provisions of section 18-20-111 regarding the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, marking, altering, or modification of equipment or devices related to limited gaming, or unlawful instruction in the use of such equipment or devices, commits a class 1 misdemeanor, provided that the offender is neither a licensee nor a repeating gambling offender. 18-20-111 (4)

    Any person who violates any of the provisions of section 18-20-111 regarding the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, marking, altering, or modification of equipment or devices related to limited gaming commits a class 6 felony when the offender has been issued a license pursuant to the

    The Colorado Limited Gaming Act. 18-20-111 (4)

    Any person who violates any of the provisions of section 18-20-111 regarding the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, marking, altering, or modification of equipment or devices related to limited gaming commits a class 5 felony when the offender has been issued a license pursuant to the

    Colorado Limited Gaming Act  – repeat gambling offender. 18-20-111 (4)

    The Colorado Crime of Unlawful entry by excluded and ejected persons 18-20-112 (3)

    Any person who enters the licensed premises of a limited gaming licensee or who has any personal pecuniary interest in any limited gaming establishment when that person’s name is on the list of persons who are to be excluded and ejected from such premises commits a class 5 felony. 18-20-112 (3)

    The Colorado Crime of Personal pecuniary gain or conflict of interest 18-20-113 (2)

    Any person who issues, suspends, revokes, or renews any license pursuant to the Colorado Limited Gaming Act for any personal pecuniary gain or any thing of value commits a class 3 felony. 18-20-113 (2)

    The Colorado Crime of False or misleading information  18-20-114 (2)

    Any person who provides any false or misleading information pursuant to the Colorado Limited  ming Act commits a class 5 felony. 18-20-114 (2)

    Other Articles of Interest:

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    H. Michael Steinberg Esq.
    Attorney and Counselor at Law
    The Colorado Criminal Defense Law Firm of H. Michael Steinberg
    A Denver, Colorado Lawyer Focused Exclusively On
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    Greenwood Village, Colorado, 80111
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